Live (In a Volcano) community card game.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

35 lines
1.0 KiB

extends ../layouts/main
block content
mixin renderHostList (hosts)
if Array.isArray(hosts) && (hosts.length > 0)
th Host
th Status
th Memory
th Platform
th Arch
th Created
th Updated
each host in hosts
tr(data-host-id= host._id)
a(href=`/admin/host/${host._id}`)= host.hostname
td= host.status
td= numeral((host.totalmem - host.freemem) / host.totalmem).format('0.00%')
td= host.platform
td= host.arch
td= moment(host.created).fromNow()
td= host.updated ? moment(host.updated).fromNow() : 'N/A'
div The host list is empty
if Array.isArray(activeHosts) && (activeHosts.length > 0)
h2 Active hosts
if Array.isArray(crashedHosts) && (crashedHosts.length > 0)
h2 Crashed hosts