A "multiplayer" HTML5 <canvas> to which people can connect and make changes over time.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

17 lines
528 B

extends layout
block content-view
p This is the NiceCrew Multiplayer Canvas project. People are welcomed to stop by and set up to 10 pixels per minute. Work in teams to control a section of the image.
canvas(id="multiplayer-canvas", width="32", height="32").multiplayer-canvas
block viewjs
window.dtp = window.dtp || { };
window.dtp.imageId = !{JSON.stringify(imageId || 'test-image')};
window.dtp.connectToken = !{JSON.stringify(connectToken)};