DTP Social Engine
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
1.5 KiB

include composer
include comment-list
mixin renderCommentSection (options = { })
if user && user.permissions.canComment
const composerOptions = Object.assign({ }, options);
composerOptions.name = `${options.name}-composer`;
.content-block(dtp-comments= composerOptions.name, data-root-url= options.rootUrl)
+renderSectionTitle('Add a comment')
+renderCommentComposer(composerOptions.name, composerOptions)
if featuredComment
.content-block(dtp-comments= `${options.name}-feature`, data-root-url= options.rootUrl)
+renderSectionTitle('Linked Comment')
const featureOptions = Object.assign({ }, options);
featureOptions.name = `${options.name}-feature`;
+renderComment(featuredComment, featureOptions)
.content-block(dtp-comments= options.name, data-root-url= options.rootUrl)
if Array.isArray(comments) && (comments.length > 0)
+renderCommentList(comments, Object.assign({
countPerPage: countPerPage || 10,
rootUrl: options.rootUrl,
}, options))
div There are no comments at this time. Please check back later.