A web application allowing people to create an account, configure a profile, and share a list of URLs on that profile.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

15 lines
771 B

mixin renderCryptoSymbolSummary (currency)
img(src=`/img/payment/${currency.sourceSymbol.toLowerCase()}.svg`, width="40", height="40")
span.uk-text-bold= currency.sourceSymbol
span.uk-margin-small-left= numeral(currency.last).format('$0,0.00')
'uk-text-success': (currency.changes.price.day > 0),
'uk-text-danger': (currency.changes.price.day < 0),
})= numeral(currency.changes.price.day).format('$0,0.00')
span bid: #{numeral(currency.bid).format('$0,0.00')}
span.uk-margin-small-left ask: #{numeral(currency.ask).format('$0,0.00')}