A web application allowing people to create an account, configure a profile, and share a list of URLs on that profile.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

13 lines
495 B

extends ../layouts/main
block content
- var formAction = domain ? `/admin/domain/${domain._id}` : "/admin/domain";
h2 Domain Manager
form(method="POST", action= formAction).uk-form
label(for="name").uk-form-label Name
input(id="name", name="name", type="text", placeholder= "Enter domain name", value= domain ? domain.name : undefined).uk-input
button(type="submit").uk-button.uk-button-primary= domain ? 'Update domain' : 'Create domain'