A web application allowing people to create an account, configure a profile, and share a list of URLs on that profile.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

125 lines
2.7 KiB

// display-engine.js
// Copyright (C) 2021 Digital Telepresence, LLC
// License: Apache-2.0
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const pug = require('pug');
const uuidv4 = require('uuid').v4;
const { SiteService, SiteError } = require('../../lib/site-lib');
class DisplayList {
constructor (service, name) {
this.name = name;
this.id = uuidv4();
this.commands = [ ];
showNotification (message, status, pos, timeout) {
action: 'showNotification',
params: { message, status, pos, timeout },
addElement (selector, where, html) {
selector, action: 'addElement',
params: { where, html },
setTextContent (selector, text) {
selector, action: 'setTextContent',
params: { text },
replaceElement (selector, html) {
selector, action: 'replaceElement',
params: { html },
removeElement (selector) {
selector, action: 'removeElement',
params: { },
setAttribute (selector, name, value) {
selector, action: 'setAttribute',
params: { name, value },
removeAttribute (selector, name) {
selector, action: 'removeAttribute',
params: { name },
addClass (selector, add) {
selector, action: 'addClass',
params: { add },
removeClass (selector, remove) {
selector, action: 'removeClass',
params: { remove },
replaceClass (selector, remove, add) {
selector, action: 'replaceClass',
params: { remove, add },
class DisplayEngineService extends SiteService {
constructor (dtp) {
super(dtp, module.exports);
this.templates = { };
async start ( ) { }
async stop ( ) { }
loadTemplate (name, pugScript) {
const scriptFile = path.join(this.dtp.config.root, 'app', 'views', pugScript);
this.templates[name] = pug.compileFile(scriptFile);
executeTemplate (name, data) {
if (!this.templates[name]) {
this.log.error('view engine template undefined', { name });
throw new SiteError(500, 'Unknown display engine template');
data = Object.assign(this.dtp.app.locals, data);
return this.templates[name](data);
createDisplayList (name = 'default') { return new DisplayList(this, name); }
module.exports = {
slug: 'display-engine',
name: 'displayEngine',
create: (dtp) => { return new DisplayEngineService(dtp); },